The many suffer because they keep alive a Social and Industrial Game that dooms the many to Failure and want."
That is the full text of a postcard available on ebay today. It appears to be #6 of a series. It was published by "Luke North," who also wrote a book of poetry called "Songs of the Great Adventure." It is available at, linked from the front page.
a few selections follow ...
And Labor bold in all its might shall rise
Its own to grasp and hold — high heaven emprise!
The earth to seize and make forever Free —
Thus strip from Greed its power to tyrannise!
What mortal makes or adds an inch of land?
O'er earth let him alone stretch forth the hand
Of lustful ownership and sun and air
And liberty and even life command!
Who then will join a movement to release America's land to its
inhabitants upon Equal Terms? —
Destroy Privilege at its Base
Halt the hunger, prostitution, child labor, and "crime" so
ridiculously Unnecessary in an undeveloped land of immeasurable
richness! —
Stop the Cosmic Hideous Joke of a million idle men on a
billion Unused Acres!!
Who will join a movement to release Man from needless, deadening poverty and free him to himself — to his better, truer, kinder, wholesome Self that hungers for expression and experience, and is deterred first and mainly by the terrible economic pressure which brings but misery and grief even to the few who reap its harvest?
Who will join — Who will give themselves unreservedly —
Who will find their own keenest good —
Who will serve, and dare, with no hope of reward or preferment, for no
honors, titles, emoluments, epaulettes, or iron crosses — the greatest
cause the world has ever known?
Who will join the Great Adventure! — to free, not a class, not a race
nor a color of men, but all men! —
And make of America the world's Asylum where
everyone may find a
Home without a
Landlord and reap all his labor sows?
Who will join with those who Care and Feel and will Resolve to Free the
Quickly! tomorrow, today, very soon! — in This
generation! — Now —
By the force of numbers!
By the power of Human Sympathy quickened to life from its
long sleep in the deeps of Man?
For the manumission of All, regardless of class, creed,
doctrine, tenet, ism —
Heeding only the First Human Need, free access to the Land!
Who will help the effort to establish a tenure of use and occupance as
sole title to earth, air, and sky —
Thus to abolish Exploitation at its root —
By an Immediate appeal to the Heart of the Human Crowd!
Careful to eschew ephemeral sentimentality, or the lower
emotions that lead to violence and play into the hands of Greed —
Yet fearless of any contingency, deeming the Human Need of
paramount importance —
A concentrated, united appeal, by the Entire Intelligent Minority of
America —
Of all the sociologic schools and doctrines —
Combined in a mighty effort to arouse the whole human mass from
its Apathy —
Centering upon the One Demand, a Free Earth (intellectual
differences of method to be considered afterward) —
Invoking as its leverage the only power of human unanimity, the
Heart Force latent in every being —
Who will join The Great Adventure?
On and after —
O, what shall the date be?
On and after which
No man shall rob another
By authority of the State.
On and after —
Men! Let's make it soon!
On and after which
No man's daughter need sell
Her sex for bread.
On and after —
Are we nearly ready to be Men?
On and after which
None shall kill and debauch
By power of the State.
On and after —
The world has waited long for the date
On and after which
Greed shall not fatten
On human sweat and blood.
On and after —
Men will blush to recall the day
On and after which
Five million jobless wanderers
Found homes and work on the Land!
On and after —
On and after which
No man shall hold of earth
More than he can use!
Paper titles to idle acres
Are the crime and shame
Of christendom —
Its prisons and brothels
Paupers and billionaires!
Paper titles to idle oil lands
Are gasoline at 20 cents
Plus the wage slaveries
Disemployment and slums
Of civilization.
Paper titles to idle acres
Are the white man's idol
His totem and fetish
His bloody sacrifice
Of women and children!
and don't miss " OMITTED FROM THE SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY" -- too long to reproduce here ..
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