I've been exploring the IRS Statistics of Income data for 2006 which permits one to download spreadsheets of data and do one's own calculations on the data. I've stumbled across some data that tickles my Georgist curiosity. The tables break returns out by AGI (not the greatest option in the world -- a lot of income disappears before that point) but the observations are still of interest.
Table 2.1 looks at only returns that itemize deductions, 49.2 million returns out of the total 138.4 million filed (35.5%), which are reported on Table 1.2. I'll use the column numbers provided in the spreadsheet, since I've added dozens more. Column 75 shows the total Home Mortgage Interest deducted as $443 billion, and Column 66 shows the Real Estate Tax deducted as $156 billion -- 35% the amount paid in interest. 39.8 million returns deducted interest; 42.6 million returns deducted Real Estate Taxes.
I'm intrigued that people don't seem to mind paying large amounts of interest to a mortgage lender, for the privilege of paying off the previous owner of their home, but balk at paying roughly 1/3 as much to the community which provides the services which make that home and community a good place to live!
Further, the federal taxpayers who itemize deducted $265 billion in sales tax and state/local income taxes. So they deducted a total of $421 billion in taxes, and interest of $443 billion.
A 2006 Federal Reserve Board study found that for the top 46 metro markets, land value represented 51% of the value of single family homes in 2004. Applying that percentage to the mortgage interest amount deducted, we could say that $222 billion of mortgage interest was deducted that went to paying the interest on land the taxpayer purchased from someone else, and the other $222 billion went for paying for the house on that land.
If we accept that state and local government costs $421 billion, wouldn't we rather be paying $222 billion in interest to finance the purchase of the houses we live in, plus $421 billion in taxes on land value, and not pay either principle to the seller or interest to the lender for the land value?
Statistics of Income: Mortgage Interest and Real Estate Taxes
Posted by: guanacaste costa rica real estate | July 27, 2010 at 12:07 PM