39. The Israelis and the Palestinians each want to occupy the same land. How might they go about settling this peacefully, to create the greatest prosperity and security for everyone involved, and without subjugating one people to another?
A. By living side by side, collecting the land rent for each property from whomever has title, and using that revenue to provide public goods. Any excess can be distributed as a Citizens Dividend, similar to the Alaska Permanent Fund.
As soon as actual countries get introduced to what otherwise is a theoretical question, the issues become blurred and somewhat personal. In theory what is suggested is the single-state solution but in practice the two countries involved are no where near to agreeing to the two-state one which is easier to agree upon. I see the one-stste solution as a hundred years away whilst the two-state one is much closer.
And if all that is being discussed in this particular case is what might be satisfactory in theory then the questioneer should not choose the muddle (Middle) East!
Posted by: David Chester | March 13, 2012 at 12:24 PM