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  • Henry George: Progress and Poverty: An inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with increase of wealth ... The Remedy
    This is perhaps the most important book ever written on the subjects of poverty, political economy, how we might live together in a society dedicated to the ideals Americans claim to believe are self-evident. It will provide you new lenses through which to view many of our most serious problems and how we might go about solving them: poverty, sprawl, long commutes, despoilation of the environment, housing affordability, wealth concentration, income concentration, concentration of power, low wages, etc. Read it online, or in hardcopy.
  • Bob Drake's abridgement of Henry George's original: Progress and Poverty: Why There Are Recessions and Poverty Amid Plenty -- And What To Do About It!
    This is a very readable thought-by-thought updating of Henry George's longer book, written in the language of a newsweekly. A fine way to get to know Henry George's ideas. Available online at and

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September 28, 2013


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It is like a musical chairs game, the majority are forced to work for income that gets smaller and smaller over time. If you become a rent-seeker or wealth holder, well, you think you can win the game.

Here in Europe, taxes have been so high to long that younger people equate work with something that is bad and not leading anywhere. If you work under a high-tax regime you only get older and growing poorer. Almost all people I know have high-blod pressure.

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