Economic View - Paring the Deficit, by Selling Part of the Radio Spectrum -
I'd missed the article when it was published a week ago, but an LTE brought it to my attention. The author is Richard Thaler, a professor of economics and behavioral science at the newly re-named business school at the University of Chicago (forever to be recalled as GSB by some, despite stern orders in the alumni rag).
He proposes auctioning off "The Buried Treasure in Your TV Dial." But he isn't suggesting leasing it for some finite period of time, with a new auction at the end of, say, 5 or 10 or 15 years, but selling it forever. As one of the LTE's says,
Re “The Buried Treasure in Your TV Dial” (Economic View, Feb. 28), in
which Richard H. Thaler cites an estimate that the government could
reap $100 billion by auctioning the portion of the radio spectrum used
for over-the-air television:
How long would such a sum last, however, in an era of military
adventures and over 700 foreign military bases? What would be permanent
is the loss of both choice and the free reception of radio and
television programming. Ownership of electronic media, and access to
the privatized airwaves, would be as concentrated as cable and
satellite systems are today.
The column says that such an auction would have many national benefits.
But virtually all them, like faster broadband connections for schools,
could be obtained by federal policy, not a fire sale.
Those airwaves belong to the American people, and the American people ought to be collecting full rent on them -- year in, year out -- not giving away licenses and then permitting corporations to make a business in re-selling or leasing out what they choose not to use.
Here's Thaler's article. I look forward to his next suggestions; he has the germ of a good idea, but gets a very important aspect of it wrong. Don't sell our common asset to anyone. AUCTION OFF LEASES. Wait 5 years. Repeat.
HERE’S a list of national domestic priorities, in no particular order:
Stimulate the economy, improve health care, offer fast Internet
connections to all of our schools, foster development of advanced
technology. Oh, and let’s not forget, we’d better do something about
the budget deficit.
Now, suppose that there were a way to deal effectively with all of
those things at once, without hurting anyone. And suppose that it would
make everyone’s smartphone work better, too. (I’ll explain that benefit
I know that this sounds like the second coming of voodoo economics, but
bear with me. This proposal involves no magical thinking, just good
common sense: By simply reallocating the way we use the radio spectrum
now devoted to over-the-air television broadcasting, we can create a
bonanza for the government, stimulate the economy and advance all of
the other goals listed above. Really.
The reason for this golden opportunity may be in your purse or pocket:
that smartphone to which you could well be addicted. The iPhone, the
BlackBerry and competing devices are already amazing technologies. But
precisely because of the nifty features they offer, like the ability to
text photos, stream video and provide GPS directions, the radio
spectrum is looking as crowded as Times Square on New Year’s Eve.
Demand for spectrum is growing rapidly — a trend that will surely
The problem is that the usable radio spectrum is limited and used
inefficiently. Think of it as a 100-lane highway with various lanes set
aside for particular uses, including AM and FM radio, TV and wireless
computer technology. The government — specifically, the Federal
Communications Commission — is in charge of deciding which devices use
which lanes.
Because we can’t create additional spectrum, we must make better use of
the existing space. And the target that looks most promising in this
regard is the spectrum used for over-the-air television broadcasts.
These frequencies are very attractive on technological grounds. People
in the industry refer to them as “beachfront property” because these
low-frequency radio waves have desirable properties: they travel long
distances and permeate walls. We have already allocated parts of this
spectrum for mobile wireless, and the F.C.C. recently auctioned other
parts for $19 billion. That has left 49 channels for over-the-air
Why is the current use of this spectrum so inefficient? First, because
of the need to prevent interference among stations, only 17 percent of
it is actually allocated by the F.C.C. for full-power television
stations. (The so-called white space among stations is used for some
limited short-range applications like wireless microphones.)
Second, over-the-air broadcasts are becoming a nearly obsolete
technology. Already, 91 percent of American households get their
television via cable or satellite. So we are using all of this
beachfront property to serve a small and shrinking segment of the
Suppose we put this spectrum up for sale. (The local stations do not
“own” this spectrum. They have licenses granted by the Federal
Communications Commission.) Although the details of how to conduct this
auction are important, they don’t make compelling reading on a Sunday
morning. Interested readers should examine a detailed proposal made to
the F.C.C. by Thomas W. Hazlett, a professor at the George Mason
University School of Law who was formerly the F.C.C.’s chief economist.
Professor Hazlett estimates that selling off this spectrum could raise
at least $100 billion for the government and, more important, create
roughly $1 trillion worth of value to users of the resulting services.
Those services would include ultrahigh-speed wireless Internet access
(including access for schools, of course) much improved cellphone
coverage and fewer ugly cell towers. And they would include other new
things we can’t imagine any more than we could have imagined an iPhone
just 10 years ago.
But some compelling technology that could use these frequencies already
exists, like wireless health monitoring — to check diabetics’ blood
sugar regularly, for example — and remote robotic surgery that can give
a patient in Idaho a treatment like that available in New York or
Who would oppose this plan? Local broadcasters are likely to contend
that they are providing a vital community service in return for free
use of the spectrum that was put in their hands decades ago. Whether
the local news or other programs are vital services is up for debate,
but their value isn’t the issue, because they can be made available via
cable, satellite and other technologies, including improved broadband.
Say there are 10 million households that still get their television
over the air, including those that can’t afford cable or satellite and
some that generally just don’t care for what’s on TV. (Yes, there are
people who don’t like “American Idol.”) But about 99 percent of these
households have cable running near their homes, and virtually all the
others, in rural areas, could be reached by satellite services. The
F.C.C. could require cable and satellite providers to offer a low-cost
service that carries only local channels, and to give vouchers for
connecting to that service to any households that haven’t subscribed to
cable or satellite for, say, two years.
Professor Hazlett estimates that $300 per household should do it: that
amounts to $3 billion at most. Compared with the gains from selling off
the spectrum, it’s a drop in the bucket. Or, as an interim step, we
could reduce the number of channels available in a community from 49
to, say, 5.
I KNOW that this proposal sounds too good to be true, but I think the
opportunity is real. And unlike some gimmicks from state and local
governments, like selling off proceeds from the state lottery to a
private company, this doesn’t solve current problems simply by
borrowing from future generations. Instead, by allowing scarce
resources to be devoted to more productive uses, we can create real
value for the economy.
Economists are fond of saying that there is no such thing as a free
lunch. Here we have an idea that is even better than a free lunch:
being paid to eat lunch. More paid-lunch ideas will be coming in future
The classical economists might never have heard a radio or seen a television, but they'd immediately recognize broadcast spectrum as "land" -- a gift of nature, finite and scarce -- and would have regarded it as our common treasure. Unfortunately, Professor Thaler is not a classical economist. He is a neoclassical economist, and his training in economics probably glossed over the truths the classical economists saw. And quite likely, that's how he teaches the subject, too.
We can concentrate more wealth in the hands of a few corporations, or we can collect the economic rent on this scarce and valuable resource. (See also Alaska Permanent Fund, in the topic cloud at left.)
I hope we'll do the latter.